Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Spiralizer-WOW!

I have just bought the best gadget. I have been exercising and dieting with all hope of wearing a two piece bathing suit without shame this year. What an accomplishment that would be at 43 with 2 children. Anyway on this journey of mine, I have given up pasta and cheese. I am still having some whole wheat/grain products occasionally and an asiago cheese bagel every Sunday with my cup of Panera swill (sometimes referred to as coffee). In my recent readings, I came across a product called the Spiralizer. Its very popular among raw/living food people. Its a dream. Tonight I prepared spaghetti for my family. In the time it takes to say abracadabra I had spiralized myself a zucchini and a squash. I put the spaghetti sause over it and voila! I couldn't tell the difference, except maybe that it tasted a little better and I won't pay for it when I get on the scales tomorrow. My husband and daughters both tried it and thought it was good. I just have to figure out a way to warm up the spiralized veggies for my hubby, he likes his spaghetti hot not room temperature. At any rate, you can read about it or buy it here:

Saladacco, The Spiralizer, makes pasta out of vegetables

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