Saturday, November 27, 2004

A new beginning.....

Having had an established website it is hard to decide where to begin again. I inadvertantly lost due to a paperwork error with It was a great loss after so many years. was developed and created 2 hours at a time over a several month period about 7 years ago. It was my first attempt to re-enter the art world after my beautiful daughter Kate was born. A dear family friend came over once a week to play with her while I struggled with Microsoft Frontpage, taking photos of my work and web page design. The result was good. I had artists and not-for-profit art organizations from all over the world represented on my site. I don't want to re-create Artists Index. I have changed and my art has changed so a new site is in order. The first steps, my homepage and my blog, were created by my hubby. Always supportive, he knows just what to do to get me moving again. The second step will be the section on vanitas, as my hobby is skull collecting I just can't get enough. I love 'em.

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